Request for Proposal

Seeking Bid Requests

We welcome all vendors and businesses to submit a sealed bid. You will need to review the specifications for the product or service requested. The specifications describe the physical, technical, or functional characteristics, or the nature of a product, service or construction item. They also usually include a description of requirements such as inspecting, testing, or preparing a product, service or construction item for delivery. They also may include provisions that govern various aspects of the relationship of parties under the contract.

If you wish to respond to an invitation for sealed bids, you must obtain a copy of the detailed specifications and a bid form. It will also state the location where bids must be received, the time by which bids must be submitted. Any bid received after the time specified cannot be considered. 

Submitted bids are opened at a designated public session. The time and place are indicated in the specifications. In addition to the price in the bid, other aspects of your business may be taken into consideration.

Date Issued        
Request for Proposal
Closing Date   

 05/06/2024  Bogen E7000 Series Intercom System
Intercom Systems RFP
 June 6, 2024
 03/12/2024 Substitute Employment Services
Sub Services RFP
 12/12/2023 RFP Photography & yearbooks
RFP 2023 photography/ yearbook
 12/19/2022 Voluntary Benefits Closed
 04/02/2021  RFP Web Filtering
RFP 2021webfilter
 02/16/2021  RFP Commercial Rooftop/ HVAC  repairs
submittal forms.pdf
02/17/2021  Substitute Employment Services
RFP Substitute Services (1).pdf
 06/09/2020 District Mowing Services
District Mowing Services RFP
 03/12/2020 Insurance Broker Consultant
Insurance Broker Consultant RFP
02/04/2020 Concrete Sidewalk Remove and Replace 2020
Concrete Sidewalk Remove and Replace 2020 RFP
 01/22/2020 Annual Audit Services
Annual Audit Services
 01//19/2020 District Voice Over IP 2020
District Voice Over IP 2020
 05/05/2020 Middle School Roof #6
Middle School Roof #6 RFP

References and Experience
Affidavit Compliance With Prevailing Wage Law
Federal Work Authorization Program


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